Social media management is more often a responsibility than a role.
The majority of marketers (56%) who manage social media spend less than half their day on social. These people are also often Swiss army knives who are tasked with managing email marketing, web design, PR, and event planning—they’re marketing jacks and jills of all trades. And they report feeling overworked, underpaid, and burnt out.
As the world’s first software dedicated to social media marketing, Hootsuite recognized they play a significant role in solving an insignificant problem: saving their customers from the tediousness and monotony of scheduling, planning, and posting on social media. Unlike many software companies whose goal is to keep people in their product as long as possible–the challenge at Hootsuite is to make the time people spend in the application (and on their social media) as quick and painless as possible.
Hootsuite extended this dedication to making marketers’ lives simpler throughout their brand and their business.